Well – Today was my first day back to work. I ended up working almost 10 hours, just because I was engrossed in catching things up and only really got half way through it. Tomorrow is month end and I’ll have to go into the office. I think it’ll take a little while to get all caught up.
I think I’m going to call the nurse tomorrow and let her know how I’m doing and see what she says. Just looking in the mirror tonight I feel like color is drained from my face. I just look tired. There were a couple days that I didn’t drink much, because it hurt to drink. I was told by the doctor’s office that it’s hard to catch up on hydration with the new stomach if you get behind. Well – I’m finding out how true that is. Yesterday I drank 72 oz of liquid, and so far today I’ve drank 32 ozs. My urine is still REALLY dark. I just don’t know what else to do. I have a feeling the nurse might tell me to go to the ER and get a bag of saline to get caught up on my hydration. I’ll just have to wait and see what they say though. I keep having a stabbing pain every once in a while in my right side also. Who knows, maybe it’s my body healing, but it’s really annoying.
I feel like I have too much to do before this weekend, and not a lot of energy to do it with. I haven’t made a lot of plans. Guess I’ll have to do it spur of the moment. I’m wondering if I’m going to need to go by the post office and set up for me to pick up my mail there, because I have a feeling we’re not going to have any mail delivered here for a while. I don’t want to be late on bills because of it.
Well – I guess I need to go get some more liquid before it gets to late. Done venting. 🙂
Hi Amy!! A certain little birdie told me you took the bariatric plunge (she actually told me the day of your surgery, I guess, but I’ve been so behind on my email that I just read it now!), so I thought I’d pop by here and offer you a little bit of support and encouragement as a sister of the staples! I had my surgery on January 7th, and it does get a lot easier…even in just the next month, which is all the further out I am than you are, it gets a LOT better in that amount of time. At least it has for me, and I hope you’ll find the same for yourself. The fuid thing is ridiculous, isn’t it?? I still have trouble with that. You have such a tiny tummy, and have to drink so slow, yet they expect you to consume enough fluid volume to support a water buffalo in a days time without blowing up. It’s insane! That too should get a little easier, but it’s still hard for me right now. I usually come in somewhere around 50-60oz a day. The eating gets a little better as you’re allowed to eat more foods that are actually PALATABLE to you, but make sure you only intriduce a few new foods at a time in case something really upsets your tummy…then you’ll know what the culprit was and to avoid it for a little longer. I’ve been one of the REALLY lucky ones who hasn’t had any problems with dumping syndrome, but I don’t know if that’s more of a curse than a blessing because I don’t have that warning system to tell me I might have gone too far or maybe eaten something my body isn’t ready for. That and I’ve already developed hunger issues, which stink big time. I truly hope you’ll be one of those who can avoid the hunger pains for months after your surgery. It will really help with your weight loss success! I saw my surgeon yesterday for my two month follow up and she told me I’m not losing weight fast enough. Great…that’s what I need to hear. I was already afraid of that, but hearing her tell me so just totally dropped me down to self defeatist land. I’ve lost 34 lbs since surgery, and I am down a total of 52 lbs from my pre-op weight (before my liquid diet to prepare for surgery). According to her I should be losing a pound a day right now. Luckily I saw my dietician after her and she said everyone who has this surgery loses weight at a completely different pace and, as Tommy told you, I can not compare myself to anyone else. She says I’m doing everything right, getting in my excersize, watching my diet and portions, and am doing excellent, so I should just focus on that and not worry about what she says. So take Tommy’s advice (same as my dieticians), and just focus on yourself, your body, and take each day one day at a time and you’ll do great. Things DO get better! Drop me an email any time you want to talk, if you’d like to – qscreations@gmai.com. Good luck hon. And hang in there!
I just sent you an email. 🙂 So glad to hear from you, Mimi!
edit: I tried to email you, but it failed. I got it back.
I’ll try to forward it to you later.
If that email fails (don’t know why the heck it did that to you, I’ll look into that), go ahead and try meemster@charter.net – you shouldn’t have any problems with that one!
Did you get my email? 🙂
No, I didn’t! I even just went through my spam mail to check and make sure that it didn’t somehow wind up there and couldn’t find anything in that folder either…I don’t get it! I’ve never known anyone to have problems emailing me before (but then I guess I wouldn’t if they couldn’t contact me to tell me!). This is so odd…all my other mail is coming through. :/ I’m so sorry this is happening…I can’t explain why hon!
How about now? Did it go through last time? 😀 If not, I give up. lol.