Well – Yesterday I had my six week check up. I was guessing about 10 lbs lost between my last appointment, 3 weeks ago, and this one, but ended up being 12 lbs lost! So that was good. My total lost according to scale at Dr’s office since the two weeks before surgery (Which was eight weeks ago) is 41.50 lbs.
The things I need to work on are:
1. Eating less. I had stopped measuring. Nutritionist said at this point I need to be eating 1/8 of a cup and not eating until I’m full. So I’m going to try to be better about that. I know a lot of that is mental. Just got to get it through my head that 1/8 of a cup is all I need to eat at this point.
2. More water/liquids. I mentioned to the doctor that I’m having a hard time with liquids, because it still hurts a lot of times when I drink. He said if it’s still hurting at my next appointment in 6 weeks that he’ll do a scope. His guess was maybe it could be a post surgical ulcer or something. He also wrote me a prescription and told me to take acid reducing medicine twice a day to try to help with it.
3. More protein. With eating so little food, I’m not able to get my protein in that way, so to prevent becoming malnutritioned, I need to have to get in protein shakes between meals. I wish I was more adventurous as to mixing things in with my shakes. They are so expensive, I’m afraid I’m going to mix something and not be able to drink it. It’s not something I enjoy in the first place. I’ve had people send me some recipes …just need to try something, I suppose.
4. Upping my cardio. I finally started on my walking 4 days before my appointment, so Renee just wanted me to continue and once a week up my time from the 30 minutes. She said to remember to take a day off during the week to rest and/or do something fun.
5. Get on a schedule to get in all my vitamins and pills I’m supposed to take! There are many days that I’ll forget part of them during the day. I’ve always had issues with this. When I had my thyroid cancer, they REALLY had a hard time regulating my meds, because I would forget to take them. Finally, I got to where if I could take them before bed, I’d always remember them. That is not the time of day most people take those meds, but my doctor was like “Just take them when you can remember them!” So that is when I’ve always taken them. BUT with some of the pills I take now, I can’t take them at the same time, so have to stagger them. Just going to put some on my work desk so I can take them during the day, because if they aren’t in front of me, I probably will forget them.
Well – I think that is it for now. Hopefully if I follow all that, the weight will come off quicker. At least the scale is going in the right direction, no matter how slow. Don’t get me wrong – it is coming off quick, but I just know at this stage, it’ll come off quicker than in the future, so I’d love to get off as much now before it slows down.
I’m looking forward to my sister’s visit next month. I’ve taken 4 days off work to spend with her. I know my Aunt is also off work. I’m hoping to lose some more before they get here. Also working up my duration a bit more. We’ll be all over the place. Looking forward to all the pictures I’ll take. 🙂
Well – that is my update.
Take care of yourself! All these things are hard, but they are worth it.
Yeah, they are hard. I’m trying. I’m far from perfect, but hopefully I can improve.