One Year Follow Up

Today I had my One Year Follow Up appointment with my surgeon.  My year was actually on Feb 5th.  I had blood drawn on Friday for the appointment.  I hadn’t been getting my vitamin’s in every day, so was worried and curious as to what my levels would be.  Everything was perfect!  A lot of times, people who have had bypass have low levels of B12 and Iron, because of absorption issues.  They end up having to get infusions for those things at some point.  I was happy to see my levels were normal, and B12 was actually flagged high, so I might need to get a vitamin that doesn’t have that in it and see if I can take it separate or something.

I have felt like I had lost hardly anything between my 6 month and my year appointment, but when I went to my journal where I put all my “official” Dr Office weigh ins, it looks like I had lost 20 lbs between then and now.  My surgeon said he was VERY happy with my weight loss and thinks I’ve done wonderful.  The Dr’s office has never given me a “goal” weight to strive for.  I asked surgeon again today and he said maybe another 20 to 30 lbs and he’d be happy.  ((My final goal I had set was another 50 lbs))  He said to not consider plastic surgery until I’m done losing, and he sees that as another year or so before I can do that, when I’m done losing and level off for a while.  I’ll go back for my next follow up in six months.

I had a full weekend this past weekend.  Saturday they had an open house at the building our offices will be moving to.  We weren’t able to tour the floor we’ll be on, but the floor we DID tour they said was a similar layout to the one we’ll be on.  It’s going to be a big change.  We will get new computers, but not new chairs.  Also, it’s an all new type of cubicle that we’ll have.  Currently we have tall cubicles that gives you a sense of privacy.  We’ll be getting short cubicles now.  Good thing is that it will allow more light and “openness”.  Bad thing is that I think the privacy level will feel a lot less.  You’ll be able to look around and see everyone.  The cubicle I’ll be sitting at (thankfully only one time a week) is directly outside of the break room, and the new break room doesn’t have a door that closes on it, so I’m worried about #1 – the smell of cooking food for a majority of the afternoon, which is going to make me constantly hungry and #2, the noise level of everyone socializing in the break room on lunch and break.  Also, there will be 4 bathroom stalls for all the women on our floor in the bathroom.  ((We’re going down from 11 or so currently to 4))  The managers won’t have closed offices any longer also, they’ll just have larger cubicles than us, and for One on One’s and to talk privately, there will be little rooms with two chairs in them that you can go to and shut the door.  Of coarse, I’m not going to know how it actually is until we’re there.  I AM looking forward to a change and I’m just hoping I’m going to like it a lot more than I’m anticipating.

After we went to the open house we ran by Micro Center (one of Tommie’s favorite stores)….and it was enjoyable “people watching” for me while we were in there…lol.  I DID set off an alarm on a Mac computer when I was “poking around” it.  Ha ha.  I was like “Sorry!  I was just wanting to know what THAT was!”  He laughed at me “It’s a laser!”  😀  After that we went to a new place to eat.  BRGR Kitchen and Eatery.  It was a Gourmet Hamburger place in Prairie Village.  We ordered two different things and split them in half and shared.  We’ll probably go there again some time.  After that, we came back home and my cousin, Melissa, came over and we spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and playing games and visiting.  That was nice.  We love to have people come over and hang with us.

Sunday, my friend, Kriste, invited us to a new Japanese place that opened up North.  She said they were going to have a Dragon Festival dance they were going to do.  Sounded intriguing, and you know I LOVE Japanese Restaurants!  It was a lot of fun!  I thought my food could’ve been more “favorable”, but it was still good and the atmosphere was wonderful and the staff was so friendly.  The owner or manager (not sure which he was) came by table several times and asked how things were.  He recognized Kriste from being there last week and welcomed her back.  The Lion Dance was great!  Made me really want to go to a real festival and see it done there!!  The menu was large and we’ll defiantly go back and try some other things!



Our first 5K of the season is this weekend.  The forecast is calling for it to be COLD.  It’s the PJ 5K.  I went to Macy’s this weekend to get some new PJ bottoms, because all the one’s I have are too big….even though I still wear them.  Thought I should get better fitting one’s, if I was going to run in them.  Ha ha.  (don’t need them falling down)  I ended up having to get size Large!  Was nice to be down from 2x-3x to Large!  I’ll be layering up on Saturday and little Katie Brown will be going with us.  I’m VERY out of practice on my walking/running.  The past few months I’ve sort of gone into hibernation mode, and it’s so cold all this week, I don’t feel like walking – but starting tomorrow we’re going to have to force ourselves to the gym!  SO – I guess my goal for this first 5K will to be not finish last?  Ha ha.  They will give out medals for the first three finishers per age division, I think.  I’m betting Katie will get a medal.  Not going to let the weather keep us from our 5K’s though!  If it’s still on (which I don’t think anything’s supposed to be too bad – just cold) – we’ll be there!

Well – Guess that’s my update!  Leave me a “Hey – I stopped by” note. 😀

2 thoughts on “One Year Follow Up

  1. Amy, I am so happy for you and for your progress! I have difficultly swallowing pills so could not imagine having to take all those required after a bypass. I am thrilled that your vitamin levels are good as that can be a real issue…as you stated. (Being a nurse, I am aware of what the issues can be and how dangerous). You will reach whatever goal you’d like to reach – the doctor’s or yours; I know you will! Kudos, hun, on a job well done and on the great progress. Hugs!

  2. Thanks Ilse 🙂 I actually don’t have any real complications (thank goodness!). I hear a lot of people say that they wish they “dumped” so it would keep them from eating sweets. I have never wished I dumped! I’ve never wished for any ill side affects! I’m glad I don’t. I still want to eat whatever I want, I’m just glad that now I feel full faster and it keeps me more eating the portion I’m supposed to. If I can keep up my activity level, it’ll make me feel great. I’m not done losing, and I know what I need to do.

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