As a random message pops up on my screen, from all places – Mongolia – I just think about how incredible it is that we can reach out and make friends across the globe so easily now.
When I was young (in Jr High), I used to subscribe to those popular teen magazines and there were several of them that had a “pen pal” section. At age 12, I wrote in and they placed my add in one of the magazines and I got 100’s of letters from all over the world, even from men in prison. I was in heaven with all the letters that came pouring in! My poor mom was a sport and would keep me supplied with stamps and stationary. Over time I lost contact with most of the people I used to write to as a child.
There was one though, that after all this time, we have never lost contact. I’ve known her just about as long as any of my best friends in my day to day life. She lives in Australia and is now married with two lovely boys. We’ve even talked on the phone and over Skype in the past. We don’t write snail mail as much any longer, but thanks to the internet and Facebook, we can still catch up and see what each other are doing. There was also another girl I wrote to back in my teens, and we had lost touch, but several years ago, she found and contacted me on Facebook. It was so neat to be remembered and contacted and to catch up with her! I love it!
THEN, there are those that I have just randomly met online and just seem to connect with. I’ve always been fascinated with other countries and other parts of the world. I love to collect the stamps and the coins. I love to hear about the culture differences and similarities. I’d LOVE to be able to travel overseas one day. It is a dream and goal of mine.
I just want to say to all the friends I have made and connected to online, that I have never met in real life (Overseas and even here in the U.S.), thank you for reaching out to me and thank you for your random messages, letters, email, comments…..just staying connected. It means a lot.
Thank you, also to my friends and family here in my life, that make an effort to reach out with comments, calls, IM’s, texts, get togethers, etc. I think I have some pretty incredible people in my life and feel very blessed.
Just a post to reflect some. On with your day…. 🙂