Winter Is Coming

It has turned bitter cold here in Kansas City!!  Because of that and because of Tommie starting a new job this past week, we have not done our morning walks since getting back from Kentucky.  It’s been a pretty lazy week.  With that being said, the scale actually moved DOWN a bit this past week!  It’s funny how you can exercise all the time and then when you take a break is when the scale starts to move again.  Ah well, I’ll take it where I can get it.

We had intentions of walking yesterday, but ended up not, so today Tommie dragged me to the gym.  I was surprised that I lasted as long as I did on the treadmill, because for some reason, I get bored and tired quickly on treadmills.  They got some new one’s the community center.  The new one’s they have are really, really nice…but they lack one thing that the old one’s have that I LOVE.  The old one’s have fans built in that come on after you’ve been walking a little while.  It SO helps with keeping you cool when you’re working up a sweat.  Tonight I ended up trying the “random” setting on the incline, so I was walking up and down hills and I liked the variety of it.  I brought my Kindle and read some of my book while I walked.  That’s one of the good things with walking on the treadmill is you can catch up on your reading. 🙂  Ended up walking for a little less than an hour.  They were closing, so had to leave.  Saw Dawn on the way out and said hi.  She was there for a staff meeting.

Went to my friend Lisa’a Dad’s visitation this weekend.  I was so sad to hear that her Dad had passed away.  He had a long battle with ALS.  I can’t IMAGINE losing a parent.  I was glad that she let us know and that I was able to attend and give my condolences to her and her Mom and sister.  We had classmates we graduated with that handled the visitation and the flowers.  I know it probably helped having people you personally know help you through that process.

SO, a few weeks back I ended up accidentally washing my fitbit.  It went through the washer AND dryer.  When it came out the other end, it worked perfectly still, but over the following week, I noticed that it just wasn’t staying charged as long.  It usually stays charged for a week, but now it was running down in a couple of days.  I was just going to live with it, but Tommie ended up getting me a new one.  This time he got me the burgundy one, so if we both happen to take them off and have them sitting near each other, we won’t be confused on which one belongs to who.  Tommie also got me the Aria scale, but it set up OK and then the display wouldn’t come on at all, so he’s going to have to exchange it.  I was so excited, just to be disappointed.  So, if and when we get the replacement, that’ll be cool.

I actually cooked several recipes from Pinterest this weekend.  Tommie loves it when I cook, because I don’t do it very often. I picked out a few one’s that I wanted to try and bought the ingredients.  I still have two more to make, but we have a few left overs to get us by the next few days.

My sister flew to London this week.  Her husband was going there for business and she was able to go with him and they’ll be able to sight see together when he’s not working.  Her Mother in Law came down to stay with the kids while they are gone.  I’m excited for her.  I’ve ALWAYS wanted to go to Europe.  Can’t wait to hear about her trip and see the photos she takes.



Thought I’d put in a pic of my family that we took while in Kentucky here at the end.  Funny thing about the photo is on my camera, the delayed photo setting on my camera had “1 second” and “2 seconds”….so of coarse I chose the 2 seconds and I’d hit the button and run and freeze right as the camera would shoot.  I’m surprised they turned out as well as they did!!  I have a remote switch that I had for my previous camera, I just need to find it and see if I can configure it for this one.  If not, I’m going to have to invest in a new one.  Are they serious?  2 second delay is the longest???


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