Free At Last

Well – Tonight Tommie and I did our last 5K of the year.  We walked our first on in June of this year and this one makes 7 that we have done thus far.  We also did one 10K.  I feel very blessed that I’ve been able to do this (and enjoy it).  The last two races we did were in such cold weather!!  There were two races this weekend, originally, I was planning on doing another one, because it was inside (in the caves), but had two people say they wanted to do this one, so I changed which one I signed up for. This one was close to the house also, in North Kansas City.   I didn’t sign Tommie up, because I knew he wouldn’t want to run out in the cold, but when he heard I had signed up, he sighed and said “I can’t let you do this alone – sign me up.”  Luckily I did, because the other two people had things come up where they couldn’t do it, so it was just the two of us.  I decided to not try to beat my time this time and walk the whole thing with Tommie.  It was SO cold!  It was ran in the dark.  I’m glad I did it though.


The next race we are signed up for is the Commitment Day Race.  That will be on January 1st and it’s a way to start out the new year, committing yourself to a healthy lifestyle.  The site had a contest to win a trip for two to any city that is holding the race, so you can travel and run the race in any city you like.  I don’t know why I entered, because that is a bad time for us to take off work, but I did.  Then of course, I ended up winning.  I’m not sure yet if I’m going to be able to accept the prize.  First I have to talk to my manager to see if it’s even possible.  I have also asked them if I can take the prize and run the race in my city and use the voucher at another time.  They said they would check with their legal department.  I had asked them that, because she said the prize came in the way of an American Express voucher and I’d make the travel plans myself.  I should know more details about it on Monday.  I think I’ll wait to hear what they say before talking to my manager.


When I was in Cincinnati for the Thanksgiving Day Race, I won a free shirt by being the closest person to answer a question right.  Even though they said I won, I didn’t get the prize, because they wanted me to meet with them after the race (not on the same day) to get the shirt, but I wasn’t going to be in town and they didn’t’ really arrange any other options for me.  That was fine though.  I also won some Royals tickets at another race we did.  I took Hannah to that game with me.  At least I was able to use one prize I won!  Ha ha.


Recently I stopped taking my acid reflux medicine to see if I could go without it.  So far I’ve been totally fine.  This makes me so happy.  I have some serious family history to do with acid reflux that I don’t want to suffer from.  I was headed down that path.  This takes me down to one prescription that I have to take now, and that is something I’ll have to take the rest of my life, no matter what.  That makes me feel great that I’m off all my medicine!!

Holiday season is coming up and I’m looking forward to spending it with friends and family.  I’m also hoping that the new year brings good things and goals met.  Hope it also bring more time with friends and family and new experiences.  I want to thank you all that are part of my life.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year….

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