The past few events that I’ve been to, the event photographer has stopped us and asked to take our picture. I know this doesn’t sound like anything special to most. I mean, that’s their job! They are there to take pictures that they hope people will later buy and to record the event. BUT in the past, I really didn’t get stopped and asked if I wanted my picture taken. So when it has happened this past month, it makes me feel like I look like everyone else. Not that I’m special, just that I’m normal.
I’ve never been too shy about photos. I’ve been “taking” photos from a very early age and you will often see a camera in my hand. BUT for years, and even now, really, I am left out of a lot of photos. I’m usually on the other side of the camera. When I would want my photo taken, my husband knew that I wanted my picture taken from the chest up. No need to see all that. These days, I’m still “larger” than most people, but after losing over 100 lbs, I am feeling more like I blend in and SO MUCH less self conscious. It is a very liberating feeling to not be constantly pulling down on my shirt and making sure my tummy isn’t sticking out from under my long shirt.
My husband HATES it when I take “selfies”. He talks about, “I read an article that people who take too many selfies have a mental disorder.” “Do I need to get you in to see a doctor?” When I “Snapchat” with people, he’ll be like “Give it a rest!!!” I’ll reply; “Sorry!!” Maybe I DO over share…Maybe it’s just because he’s around me so much that it has become a pet peeve of his. I know I have my pet peeves, I just don’t always say what they are out loud. Haha. I’m just happy that I’m feeling more comfortable with myself am looking forward to the future and being more active and even more comfortable. I’m sorry if I offend with my self photos.
I also have another new addiction. 5K’s. I got my taste of them last year (thanks to my sister,and my friend, Dawn) and I’ve gone a bit overboard with them. Last year I did a total of seven 5K’s and one 10K. On my first 5K, my finish time was about 59 minutes. My last race of the year, I finished around 44 minutes. So far this year – I have done four races and have signed up for AT LEAST seven more, and will probably sign up for more as the season goes on. Along the way I’m hoping to better my time and be able to run more than I am now. (Since I run and walk – I’m not able to run a full 5K at this point) Tommie does every single one of these races with me. It’s a WONDERFUL support. He powers through them, because he has painful shin splits. I like to encourage people to do the races with us, but I also like to do my own pace and try to beat my times. Tommie doesn’t mind when I run ahead and just meet him at the finish line, so that is nice. Our friend’s daughter, Katie, has done several with us. She’s on her cross country team at school, so she leaves us in the dust and we meet back up at the finish line. It’s great to have her with us and we enjoy it.
As we do more races, we are finding which one’s we like to do and which one’s we won’t do again. We are learning what to look for in a race that we like and what to avoid. I’ve fallen out of an exercise routine. I really need to get back into it. The winter finally got to me and I just shut down and became lazy. We’ve tried walking a few times this year, but have let excuses get in the way. I’m hoping to find my drive and motivation soon and get back out there.
Well, just wanted to give an update since I hadn’t made a blog entry in a while. Hope this finds everyone well. Feel free to leave me a little “hi”.
Well kiddo you have never been “normal” you have always been exceptional. I see that great smile of yours much more often now, and it makes my heart swell up for you. You take a lot of pictures, do me a favor and take a look at some of those from 2 – 5 years ago. I see a lot of improvement in that smile in the last few years. Look at Tommie’s too. I see a transformation in him as well.
You kids are doing great, I just wish I was closer to you both to share more in your journey.
I wish you were closer too….more than you’ll ever know. I miss you guys.
It would be wonderful to see you and Mom’s smiling faces at the end of my races! I know you guys would be there. 😀