Well, Tommie and I completed our last run of the year! We doubled the number of runs we did this year from what we did last year! We ended up doing Fifteen 5K’s each (I’m not counting the one I didn’t finish) and Two 10K’s (one of which was virtual – but we still did it). Not sure if we’ll do as many next year or not. It is something we enjoy doing though, and having done two years of it now. We know what we like in a race, so we look out for those details when choosing which one’s to do. There are also a few that we know we’d like to repeat yearly.
Is it strange that we’re considering doing a race when we take vacation this year? I think my goal for next year is to AT LEAST do one race a month. I have already signed up for one in January. It’ll be inside. February is usually the coldest month here in Kansas City and I dread to think of doing another race in close to freezing (or below freezing) weather – though we HAVE done that on more than one occasion! This year we were wanting to go back some place warm (probably Arizona) for vacation in February, and Tommie was in agreement to look for a race for when we’d be there to do. It’s just an early morning activity to add to our itinerary, and it’d be in warm weather! It will all depend on how early we can plan our trip and if we meet the deadline for race sign up.
So, my last post I spoke about some odd blood results I had with the Dr.’s office. I went in and had my blood retaken and sent to the lab in California. I waited two weeks and still hadn’t heard back from the Dr. (trying not to think about them scaring me with the news that my blood work was very odd and tested positive for tumor markers after all these years). When I finally tried to get back in touch with them to see if they had gotten the results back, the nurse tried to track them down and called me back saying that the Dr. remembered them coming across her desk and that they were normal, but she was embarrassed to say she couldn’t locate them. So she ended up having to call the lab and have them re-fax them. I requested a copy be mailed to me. I got them in the mail today confirming that the blood test was negative this time. I’m not sure why the first one was showing positive, but it’s good news.
Our dishwasher has started to leak. It’s only about a year and a half old, which is so annoying. That means it’s right after the limited warranty has expired. Tommie has been hand washing dishes and we’ll see if we can contact a repair person after the holidays. We had Dan come and look at it and he said that pump was leaking, so I think that part will need to be ordered and replaced. We’ll see how much it is and if we can repair or just buy another. Hopefully it’ll just be cheap enough to repair easily. I never did locate my receipt for the dishwasher. I always keep receipts for the big items we buy and I looked everywhere and couldn’t find it. (I did find when we bought it by searching my credit card though) In the new year my resolution is going to be to try to get more organized. One step I’m taking towards this is that Tommie has ordered a receipt scanner and we bought a nice cross cut shredder. I’ll be tackling our office and going through all the paperwork I have in there and scanning the important things and organizing them and backing them up online and shredding all the old paperwork that is outdated and we don’t need any more. I’m looking forward to get ridding of some things. I wish I had a whole room I could set aside just to go through and organize all the photos I have!
Once things slow down, I’m also going to be planning a trip to Florida to see my new niece. SO looking forward to seeing her and Lucas and Jesse and Jen! I’m hoping Jesse will be able to go with me to an amusement park while I’m out there too. Last time I went and we went to the amusement parks, I couldn’t fit on a lot of the rides and it was sort of depressing. I’d like to give it another go now that I can! I really, really, really hate not being closer to all my nieces and nephews. I sure wish we lived all close together and they could have sleep overs at Aunt Amy’s house and I could take them places and spend time with them. Makes me sad when I think about it.
Well, I hope everyone enjoys their holiday’s with loved one’s and has a wonderful new year! We plan to ring in the New Year at my friend Dawn’s annual New Years Eve party.